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《天津大学学报(自然科学版)》[ISSN:0493—2137/CN:12—1127/N]期数: 2011年12 页码: 1075-1082 栏目: 建筑工程 出版日期: 2011-12-15
Title: Comparison of Concrete Models and Simplified Analysis Methods for  Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Members
作者: 王玉银1; 耿 悦1; 2; 张素梅1
1. 哈尔滨工业大学土木工程学院,哈尔滨 150090;2. 悉尼大学土木工程学院,悉尼 2006
Author(s): WANG Yu-yin1; GENG Yue1; 2; ZHANG Su-mei1
1. School of Civil Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150090,China; 2. School of Civil Engineering,The University of Sydney,Sydney 2006,Australia
关键词: 钢管混凝土; 混凝土模型; 收缩; 徐变; 逐步积分法
Keywords: concrete-filled steel tubes; concrete model; shrinkage; creep; step-by-step integration method
分类号: TU398
DOI: -
文献标识码: A
摘要: 采用逐步积分法,推导出钢管混凝土构件在长期荷载作用下的应力应变计算公式,该公式适用于各种单轴或双轴对称截面的钢管混凝土轴压或压弯构件的长期静力性能分析.在此基础上对5种典型的混凝土收缩徐变模型进行修正,用于钢管混凝土短柱长期变形分析.将分析结果与收集到的77个钢管混凝土短柱在持荷作用下的试验结果进行对比,分析表明修正后的欧洲规范模型能够反映钢管混凝土收缩徐变特性,且具有较高的预测精度.同时,为方便在钢管混凝土结构设计施工中考虑时效作用的影响,采用有效模量法、平均应力法、龄期调整的有效模量法这3种简化计算方法对钢管混凝土构件进行长期静力响应分析,并与逐步积分法的分析结果进行对比,分析表明各简化计算方法的计算误差最大约为10%,除平均应力法外,其余各简化计算方法均低估了构件长期变形.在钢管混凝土结构的设计施工中,为安全考虑建议采用平均应力法进行分析.
Abstract: With step-by-step intergration method,equations were deduced to calculate the stress and strain of con-crete-filled steel tubular(CFST) members under long-term loading. The equations are suitable for predicting the long-term response of CFST members with uniaxially or biaxially symmetric cross-sections and subjected to axial or eccen-tric loads. Five concrete models were then modified to predict the long-term responses of CFST specimens,whoseaccuracy was benchmarked against 77 long-term tests. Analysis results indicate that the modified Euro code model has the best performance in predicting the time-dependent behaviour of CFST specimens. Meanwhile,the accuracy of different simplified methods,i. e. effective modulus method,mean stress method and age-adjusted effective modulus method,was calibrated with the step-by-step integration method in the long-term analysis of CFST speci-mens. Analysis results show that the maximum deviation of the simplified methods is of the order of 10%. All the sim-plified methods underestimate the long-term response of CFST structures with the exception of the mean stress method,which is suggested for the CFST structure design.  
钢管混凝土收缩徐变模型及计算方法对比分析.pdf (1.23 MB, 下载次数: 0)
2012-2-19 09:41:26
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